
Our Financial Planning Clients


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Set up objectives

This step requires for the clients redefine their relationship with money and see it as tool instead of just accumulating as much money as possible without knowing how to properly use it to reach their objectifs. The objectives could be any of the following or a combination thereof:


Personal Goals

Reaching lifestyle goals at retirement.


Family's Future

Insuring childrend's future by saving for their education or leaving them a nest egg.


Debt Settlement

Paying off existing debt.

Gathering Information

From your current exprenses, to your savings, debt level, home values etc... we work with you to get all the relevent information to generate a Net worth Statement reflecting an accurate picture of your current financial situation.

Planing a Strategy

At this point we rank your goals by degree of importance, we then match them with your various assets today and int the future to make sure your most important goals are achevied first. This will also include the level of risk to take in your investments, set up a realistic expected rate of return and drive your investment strategy.

Reviewing and Readjusting

At any material event in your life, income or assets values wich could be for instance an enexpected inheritance, a marriage or a new job. We review how this affects your goals and if we are still on track and what needs to be done to make sure we are on track.